Thursday, April 21, 2011

United State of Electronica!

I just did the cover art for the new U.S.E. single, "Japan Song," which you can check out here. It's a great tune and all the donations go straight to Japan through MercyCorps. From the band:
This is our love song to Japan, written during U.S.E's first Japan tour in spring of 2005. When the tsunami disaster struck in March, we gathered together with friends and family to record this song for our beloved brothers and sisters throughout the Land of the Rising Sun.

Consider making a donation if you dig the song, or if you haven't helped out yet. Thanks!


  1. I seriously love this design so much! It's SO eye catching. It makes me want to start a band just so you can do my cover art.

    Great job, brother!

  2. Hey, thanks! Let me know when you get that band off the ground, I'll do it for FREE.

  3. I will let you know! Yoopcrap is currently learning to play bass so, fingers crossed, we will be playing shows in no time!

  4. This is even better than the cover art you made for MY album.

  5. This is incredible, Jus. Love the off-center heart, the design and colors. It's amazing.
